Sunday, February 26, 2006

Look what I've found

I found this old notebook in my drawer, and flipped it open.
There was a poem I had written when I was in JC2, during GP class.

It's plainly titled 'I Feel... (during GP)"

Maggots squirm in my brain.
Am I in a grave?
I am dead.
Six feet underground this muck of knowledge.
Very dead.
This bright yet menacing afternoon,
Stuck in a casket they call a classroom.
Flies around my body the words buzz,
The stench of assignments, oh don't make me start!
Ms Tan dearest, have a heart,
And let us off before the hour's up.

Monday, February 06, 2006

Getting creative.

I wonder if I am stifling my FYP group by being around too often, talking too much about workload and deadlines.

Maybe I ought to take a backseat... Just slow it down a little, and give everyone time to think.

So I'll give lesser opinions, and keep quiet until I am asked. Yay.

Anyway, I am so glad Pling is back.

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Get Real?

The closer you get to what is real, the more unreal things you will see and hear.